Friday, November 21, 2008

FAT-D and a Paper Route

(I started this post in December and finishing and posting it at the end of March) I rediscovered For All the Drifters again today and totally forgot about Paper Route. This is particularly disconcerting as they played in the DC region last week and I totally missed them. I try to indulge in things that remind me of college as much as possible as it reminds me not only of good times but of growth times. Its only when I reflect on growth times do I realize that I am actually growing and transforming while I am here in DC. Now this is generally a good thing but I have really struggled the last three years to allow good growth to happen and make sure that I end up coming out of law school being a person I still like to hang out with. When I am surrounded by people who are cynics and poor listeners its easy to become cynical and no longer listen to people. I've maintained hope and positivity mostly through the help of my wonderfully creative wife, but its been hard and I am ready to be done.

I stayed up late into the night the last week working on a paper that is still not done, and really won't be done until the 19th of December. After that we move to London, but by way of Chicago.


That paper never really got done, I turned it in but was not happy about it. When I turned it in it was only half finished because I was waiting for my partner's submissions and I never got it, I only saw the final paper. I sometimes think about contacting my prof and offering to finish it all the way because I feel like it will be important for litigation, but I just don't have the time. I feel bad because I try not to leave things left unfinished. The move to London was successful but London has not entirely been. I came hoping to find new friends and I have made good acquaintances. We hardly get invited to things and the things we do get invited to tend to be big drinking fests or beyond our price range. I've decided its no fun to be budget wise, it would be easier to just spend our money, but trying to leave enough to live on this summer. That is it for now. If I get all my applications done and my homework done I will post again later.

1 comment:

Chase Macabre said...

I love you very much, Ian. I really miss being able to talk to you more regularly. I really hope God opens doors for you. Especially if it puts you within driving and hanging out over the weekend distance