Sunday, November 23, 2008

Star Trek the Movie

Simon Pegg is playing Scotty in the new Star Trek movie. Now generally, I am not a Trekker (I refuse to comment on the trekkie/trekker debate, but if I have to choose I would generally align into the latter category), but I did grow up on TNG (the next generation for those uneducated out there) and thoroughly enjoyed the antics and science fiction of Captain Jean-Luc Picard and his crew. I will probably see this movie and like most people, will enjoy it and never seriously get into a debate about its problems, potential, canon-anomaly's and the like. I am afraid of this movie though for one simple reason: dissension in the trekkie community affects all of society, particularly those parts of society aided by databases and electronics (i.e. everything in the US from the IRS to your local traffic lights). What will be the source of the dissension you ask, well that is simple, who makes the better James T. Kirk? Now the community has been arguing since the Enterprise has had two captain who makes the better captain and everyone agrees that it will never be solved and its ok because they exist in different times. Its like comparing Lincoln and Washington, everyone generally thinks they were great presidents but no one really thinks its fair to decide which was better. This new paradox, however, Pine v. Shatner, is one that is not as easily dismissed. At first, everyone will definately say of course Shatner is Kirk and Pine, while a good actor, was just a paltry imitation, but then people will start to look at it and some brave few will start to say that Pine makes the better Captain. In the beginning there will be shock and dismay at this and then ostracization but this movement will grow until they can no longer ostracize the Pro-Pine group. Then civilization will have much to fear. There will be a trekkie civil war with some of the most horrific tactics since since the Eugenics Wars. So let this be a warning, when the movie comes out we must stop trekkies from seeing it otherwise society as we know it might possibly collapse.

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